Riding the wind to the Gulf, JAC won the UAE's largest order!


Recently, 5000 Units JAC Passenger Cars Signing Ceremony was held in Dubai, UAE, which is the largest single order since JAC entered the UAE market. Yu Yang, the deputy general manager of JAC International , Mr. Ahmed, CEO of UAE partner and others attended the event.

JAC POWER 丨驭风向海湾,JAC斩获阿联酋第一大单!.jpg

Mr. Ahmed highly commended the excellent quality of JAC's products and the expertise and support offered by the JAC team, which boosted their confidence in JAC's business development in the UAE. He was also very proud to be a part of JAC family in more than 130 countries and regions. He believed that JAC's market share and brand influence would continue to increase through the close cooperation.


Based on the understanding of the needs of users in the UAE, JAC continues to create high-quality and hot products that optimize the product portfolio, and gradually form a strong market appeal, which provides a good opportunity for the accelerated development of JAC. The intelligent compact sedan j7 has won the recognition and praise of end users after being released in the UAE market for only one year, with a monthly sale of more than 100 units.


The signing of the largest order for 5,000 passenger cars marks the beginning of a new journey for JAC in the UAE and even the entire Gulf markets. In the future, JAC will continue to deepen its overseas layout and further enhance the brand awareness of Chinese auto brands.